Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Pies and peas

Another wet, damp, drizzly, mizzly day. I was in serious need of winter warming food and a pair of socks after spending the day with wet feet after discovering a hole in the bottom of my shoe!

I was going to make my chick pea and chorizo stew for dinner, I was thinking about it on my walk home in the rain, but as I walked in the front door I realised that the lad was making meat pies! Yum.

The lad makes a mean meat pie. Well actually they are not mean at all.  They are generously full, generously tasty and generous in the time taken to make them.

The lad  makes the filling from beef cubes, carrot, celery, onion and herbs and cooks it down a long long way. Then makes his own shortcrust pastry for the bottom and blind bakes. The pie is then filled and topped with shop bought puff pastry.

Here are tonight's six pies, straight from the oven and steaming up the lens.

Now normally I don't highlight food we make unless it has lots of our home grown ingredients, but the pleasure of arriving home to this....

And to somewhat compensate for the meagre home grown ingredients in the pie, we ate them with home grown snow peas.


  1. If only my partner could cook - I do enjoy a good pie!

    1. You are such a good cook that there is probably little incentive! The lad and I each have our specialities - he is definitely the pastry, pasta and pie expert.

  2. The crust looks so flaky on those delicious looking meat pies! Sweet snow peas seem like the perfect accompaniment.

    1. The lad is such a good pastry cook! I am very lucky.



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