Thursday, 26 September 2013

Local Loves - Tumut Op Shop

I have an addiction. It comes upon me each time I go to Tumut -  one of the palindromic towns of Australia.
Each time I am in Tumut I drop into the op shop and see what I can find. The last couple of trips have yielded this little beauties.

A pretty pastel coloured hand crochet baby cot blanket.

The squares are tiny which makes me think that perhaps they had been bigger and that the blanket was once washed in hot water resulting in a shrinking and a slight felting of the blanket -  it's so soft,

Price? - $1.00

 A range of printed table cloths - I'm a bit of a table cloth girl.  This one featuring the towns, rivers and scenes of New South Wales.

This one, an abundance of fruit, food, wine and strangely, with a gravy boat!

And this one featuring 'The Exotic Wildflowers of  Western Australia' which is a little strange because surely they are not exotic at all?  Instead they are native wildflowers?

Price? All $1.00 each.

I have also picked up a great and near new leather coat for $20!

Of course what I have now done is drawn attention to my favourite shopping haunt and I will probably never find such little treasures again, but then again, I guess not many of my readership find themselves in Tumut?


  1. My 'Wildflowers of WA' (Kojonup edition), tea towel is one of the jewels of my collection (after the Falklands and Ascension Island ones). We like a palindrome in our house - also Mr A-P likes to turn the light off at night when the time is binary. He's such a nerd!

    1. Glad to see that there is someone stranger than myself! Where did you get a Falklands t-towel?

  2. Lovely finds, its always nice to pick up a bargain I love the opp shops

    1. Shh, don't tell anyone about the Tumut one!

  3. Those tablecloths are great!!

  4. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you Tumut is not that handy to me! Lovely finds!

  5. Fantastic finds. And I thought my $10 crocheted blanket was a bargain...bought new at a charity stall. Check it out.

  6. Maybe the exotic wildflowers tablecloth was only available outside WA. Hmmm even then it doesn't quite work does it. Great table cloth though!

    1. Possibly , yes, but you are right, still strange!



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