Saturday, 24 March 2012

A glut of lemons (2) and gifts for Harriet

Today's pick
  • lemons
  • limes
  • eggplant
  • chillies
  • lettuce
  • rocket
  • parsley
  • mint
  • chives
  • squashed  cabbage moth green grubs on the broccoli
    We will get to the lemon glut a little later, first I wanted to tell you of the gifts that are left for Harriet. Harriet is our cat.  She's a quiet lass, she is not much of a hunter -  thankfully -  she does assist with a bit of mousing, mostly catching really little ones.

    Over a few years we have noticed that Harriet has an admirer who leaves her gifts -  tokens of his affection and hunting ability.  What does he leave for petite, well behaved Harriet?  Large decapitated rats!  Over time he has left around 5-6 rats for her - we've lost count.  One day he left one for her on the front door mat and I in a pre-caffeinated state on my way to work, stepped right over it without even noticing.

    Harriet unimpressed with her gifts

    This week, Harriet's admirer has left yet another one for her in the garden -  the spot he usually leaves his gifts. Hmm, charming... She doesn't pay him or the rat any attention. She is very sensible.  I wouldn't hang out with a lad that brought me such gifts!

    On lemons -  well they just keep falling off the tree.  I collected another pile today and picked some limes, eggplants and chillies. I need to get stuck into the lemon glut again. Tonight I made a dish that uses, rind, lemon quarters and lemon leaves.

    Lamb kofte
    This recipe comes from Gourmet Traveller November 2009. I have made it a couple of times and it is delicious.  The lemon leaves that wrap around the kofte balls really do impart a lemony flavour to the meat.  The amounts here are true to the recipe, except I have added some chia seeds and an egg to the recipe - the egg holds it together a little more. I've just rolled the balls and will cook in just a little while. 
    * from the garden

    Ready for the flame
    1 kg lamb mince
    100gm bread crumbs
    2 tablespoons chopped mint*
    1 tablespoon grated lemon* rind
    2 teaspoons fennel seeds roasted and ground
    1 teaspoon cumin seeds roasted and ground
    2 tablespoons chia seeds
    1 egg
    1 lemon leaf for each kofte ball
    lemon* wedges to serve

    Combine mince, bread crumbs, mint, lemon rind , chia seeds, egg and spices and mould into balls - large walnut sized.  Wrap lemon leaves around each ball ( they just have to wrap around a little more than   half way and that is fine) and put leaf-wrapped ball onto metal skewers, skewing half way thru the ball and going thru both ends of the leaf.  Grill or BBQ until cooked, about 5-6 mins. They will go on soon.

    Green salad
    I will make this salad to go with it. It is really simple and really lovely with  this dish.  It is just a combo of greens and herbs and, even better,  it all comes from the garden.* from the garden

    Today's home picked greens
    lettuce* leaves
    rocket* leaves
    olive oil
    lemon* juice

    Combine leaves and herbs and dress with lemony vinaigrette.

    And later I think we need a lemony pud.

    Lemon delicious pudding
    I love this sweety.  It is a real Australian favourite I think, and takes no time to make.  There are many recipes, I seem to have mislaid the one I got from my mum (or my grandmother, I don't remember from whom).  This one comes from  Happy days with the Naked Chef - a Jamie. He calls it lovely lemon curd pud. I have used the name that is used in my family ( and probably more broadly?). * from the garden

    55g butter
    115 g sugar
    grated rind and juice of 1 lemon*
    2 large eggs, separated
    55g self-raising flour
    285ml milk

    Pre-heat oven to 200C. Cream butter and sugar and lemon rind. Add egg yolks and flour and mix, add in milk and lemon juice and mix. Leave aside.

    In a separate very  clean bowl, whisk egg whites until stiff.  Fold into the other mixture, be careful not to knock too much air out while you are doing this. Gently place into an oven dish - I use a pyrex one cause the dessert separates into lovely layers and its worth being able to see that.  Put  glass pyrex dish into a larger baking dish and add water to half way up the side of the pyrex.

    Cook for about 45 min or until the top is spongy and browned (but light and fluffy).  It will be lemony curdy in the bottom and light and fluffy sponge on top.


    1. We call it lemon delicious too - my mum made it all the time when we were kids. I got the recipe from her recently but haven't been fortunate enough on the lemon front to make it...yet....

      1. I bet it is one of those recipes that was in the Women's Weekly eons ago and thus why almost every Australian I know, not only knows it but calls in Lemon Delicious!



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