The Turkey has been given pride of place in the centre of Fortress Wallaby and in the middle of the herb and flower bed.
The idea was that it's broad leathery leaves would provide some shade to the other plants and to the Fortress gardener and in winter, when it was naked, it would allow the maximum amount of sun in. Right now its single, un-leaved stem provides no shade at all.
In such a prime position it is expected to perform but right now it just looks like a stick I might have shoved in the ground, perhaps to stake another plant? I guess if it doesn't get going I can re-use it as a stake?
I bought it from a reputable Nursery from knowledgeable and attentive sales people who know their horticultural stuff.

So, is my Turkey a Turkey?
Figs in gardens of neighbours have woken already. The stem seems to still be alive, it feels alive anyway and it is definitely turgid rather than dry and shrivelled but none of the buds look like they are about to sprout.
I have offered it Seasol and not over watered it. It's in good soil, so what's wrong?
Will it wake up or is it too late? Is there anything else I should be doing to assist it?
Any fig reviving tips will be appreciated. Hope your figs are alive and well.
Yours without even a fig leaf!
It certainly looks a sturdy stick! And healthy (for being dormant). I reckon it will 'wake up' but why don't you contact your supplier and ask their opinion?
ReplyDeleteA friend gave me a fig in a huge pot a good 18 months ago. I have no idea what sort it is. In the first season, the fruit dropped off but it looks like this seasons fruit will 'hold'. I planted it in the front yard (no room at the back) so I reckon if passers-by don't strip it, the birds will. Oh well.
I got side-tracked - I don't have any fig reviving tips - sorry!
Perhaps you have over cared for it - I understand that figs thrive on neglect so perhaps it is waiting for a drought before it bothers with actually growing... My only experience with figs are the branches from my neighbours which grow under the fence and into my garden which really isn't much in the way of experience at all is it?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nina, it doesn't look like a dead stick so I would hang in there. It may just be finding its feet. My fig hits leaf bud in around early September, but it is a mature tree (being here for many, many years before I was) and also climate differences and variety (mine is a white fig, so may differ from yours). Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThe advice with figs in this part of the world is to massively restrict their root runs - otherwise you get loads of leafy top growth and no fruit. Traditionally you might do that with slates or stone tiles - I planted one in a partially buried old washing machine drum.