Monday, 5 August 2013

Harvest Monday - 5th August '13

Pickings here at Highfield are still good, but I am afraid this week I was not consistent enough with my photo taking. No surprises for a southern hemisphere winter, it's been a brassica dominated pick again with lots of broccoli side shoots, and purple and white caulis.

I also picked two fennel bulbs but didn't take a photo so here is some fennel that will be picked in a few weeks.

There have been a few small but very tasty parsnips, loads of celery,

and small pickings of chives to go with all the breakfast egg dishes we have been eating.

As for animal produce, there have been eggs, eggs and more eggs and,

lambs...this one was born just this morning.

That's it for the week, pop over to Daphne's place to see pickings from elsewhere.


  1. Awwwh so cute. Your cauli's are looking fabulous. Are you enjoying eating the purple ones?

    1. The caulis have been really good this year. But it is an intriguing thing.... purple cauli tastes more like broccoli to me. I am enjoying eating it - just as well as there is a lot of it! - but I do need to think 'broccoli' when eating it.

  2. I would be quite happy to have the winter bounty that you are enjoying. My winter harvests are respectable, but I don't think they quite compare to yours. Love the purple caulis, how interesting that they taste like broccoli. Do they have the typical texture of caulis?

  3. oh my! i'd love to have any of those cauliflowers or eggs!



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