Wednesday 23 January 2013

Frog invasion!

It starts each night a little after the sun goes down.

Groups of Peron's Tree frog start gathering at the lip of the small water storage drum that drains the verandah. After some time they move onto the deck,

and then onto windows searching for the insects attracted by the light.

The odd frog waves hello to us to thank us for the buffet.


  1. Aw they are so cute. I have 3 pet frogs i love hearing them croak.

    1. These little fellows croak while in the water storage thingy and it amplifies their croak, its very funny.

  2. Wow. They are amazing. When I was reading this, I still had in my mind that you were in inner-west Sydney (like me) and was amazed that Peron Tree frogs were at your place! But I then remembered that you are Snowy Mountain way with loads of land. Love the frog pics.

    1. Yes, its a huge change and I am loving it. The world has changed so much and such a hot year to move. Oh well - straight into it! I think one of the things we are most enjoying is the wildlife. These frogs are nightly entertainment, we have just rushed outside to watch a goanna climb up a tree near the clothes line and each evening we can view swamp wallabies and Eastern Grey roos up on the slopes. There are wombat holes along the creek lines and a big fat skink that lives on the front stairs.



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